Maximum Carnage Issue 1/2 by Justin Anderson He sat in this body. Dormant, waiting for the day he would find a way to regain what he had lost. This boy would serve as a place to wait. He was Domientius....the Dark God. And he knew that soon, he would destroy these creatures. He rememebred what he would need to achieve this. He would need to return to Sub-Nizzuran in a new body. But not this body. He would not allow his posession of a human creature to taint how the world would shape itself. He needed it to be perfect. But the door needed to be opened first. The sword. His long dragon-like sword, the one he used in his most recent form. The one he slew many with. He would need it as the key to the door. To open the crack in the dimensions. The book. His ancient book of spells, in an ancient language. The words he would speak from it would bring down the pwoers he would need to allow the sword to crack the sky open. And the heart. His heart. He remembered its creation well. It was the year 970 AD. Just over one thousand years ago. It was in the bottom room of his castle. Bottles of liquids lined the wooden shelves on the walls. A large cauldron boiled. A large man stood in the center of the room, the dark gray stone walls contrasting with his black robes and dark red cape. He was a very large man, at over seven foot tall. His hair was long and black as night. Domientius. At least, it was his body this time. It was not the larged, winged lizard he once embodied. But it was more powerful than his previous form of a small man who destroyed with dark magic. By his side stood three of his most trusted aides. Screel, his military advisor. He was responsible for heeping his king notified of attacks, and to give advice. Raicaak, the Possessor stood to the other side. He was not as large as Domientius, but he was big. His brown hair went down to his shoulders. He was a top general. He could posess his enemies with a simple command. They killed themselves, saving the armies of Domientius the trouble of risking their lives. Finally, Sarrius, the form changer. She was responsible for turning loyal soldiers into Screelaks, and healing wounds. She could change a person's form at will. The wizard, Merlak, turned from his work table. He had soemthing in his hands. "Lord Domientius....the pendant is finished. The metals pure, the stones rare. It will serve it's purpose after it has been cursed" Screel stepped forward. "Again, Domientius, I have to remind you.... while this ritual will give you a focus to return from the dead, it will have side effects. You can't use magic without it. It will be a part of you. Destroying it could kill you and destroy your very soul!" "My decision is final, Screel. Raicaak, my book" The warrior handed his master the old book. It was a faded brown, bound in leather. The language was far to ancient for him to read it. But he didn't need to. Domientius gave him the pwoers he wanted, and he was happy with that. "You three may leave now. Merlak will need complete concentration" The three turned. Screel marched up the stairs. Sarrius walked forward, Raicaak behind her. Sarrius hated Domientius. She had once loved him, but he never returned the sentiments. He saw love as a weakness. He enjoyed being hateful. Raicaak knew her feelings, and he didn't trust her. They also hated each other. "I know what you're thinking, Sarrius! Give it up" "Do you honestly think Domientius will keep us around when he succeeds? He will toss us out, Raicaak! And I have no plans on being thrown away!" Raicaak fumed. He hated her. But it was hard. She was a beattiful woman, long blond hair, and she was almost as tall as he was. But he pushed the thoughts of loving her out of his mind every time he thought of how she was nothing more than a leech. She leeched off Domientius's wealth and limited generosity. If only he could, he would posess her and force her into a death trap. But their powers couldn't work on each other. Domientius didn't want his top generals fighting. "Just remember, Sarrius! One day, I will catch you doing something terrible! Something against his will. And when I do..... you had better watch out!" Domientius stood in the center of a large circle on the floor. The pendant sat on a nearby table. He pulled his sowrd from his belt. Touching the tip of the blade to the cenetr of the pendant, he recited a passage from memory. Energies swirled around the pendant. The stones turned a bright red. "All right.... the pendant is cursed. Now, please put it on, my Lord, so I may complete the ritual" He stepped over and picked up the pendant. Spreading the long gold chain, he placed it over his neck. Moving back to the center, he faced a nearby stone statue, and placed the tip of his sword into the floor in front of him. Merlak opened the book. He was the only one, aside from Domientius, who could read these words. Raising his left hand, he began to recite. As he did, the rare stones in the statue began to glow. He read more, until he finally reached the end. As he did, beams emitted from the stones in the statue and connected with their corresponding stones in the pendant. The bright lights suddenly dissipated. The rital was complete. He rememebred the rest quite well. If not for his decision to embody himself in the heart, he would have been sealed in that void forever. He remembered it all. Raicaak had fallen. He took his attention away from the battle to perform a ritual to save his soul. But he let his guard down, against someone he didn't count on, no less. Sarrius had stock a long blade in his back. She had joined with the Ancient ones and helped them destroy his body. She would pay someday, along with Screel, and the others who betrayed him. Someday would be soon. In only a matter of years, this human would go down a path which would take him to his artifacts. He didn't know how it would happen, but he knew it would. And no one would be able to stand against him. Author's notes: Cletus is roughly four during this story. Domientius had begun to drive Cletus insane, but is unaware of his activities on a daily basis, as he is not controlling Cetus. Notes: Basically set in the Marvel Universe, I will be using a lot of my own continuity for this series, and generally focus on the main characters. Appearances by Marvel's universe will be special occurences. Crossovers with characters/titles from other companies will be treated as "single universe", not as "2 universes crossing temporarily". I will also try to ignore major Marvel comic story arcs. Cletus Kasady, Carnage, and other Marvel characters are copyright Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. Other characters are either my creation(copyright myself), or copyright their specific owners if non- Marvel licensed characters. Characters used without permission/not for profit. These are strictly fan stories. Permission to reprint extends to placing this text, unaltered, elsewhere online. It may not be altered, and especially NOT TO BE SOLD, unless Marvel wishes to license this series from me.